Social Media

Creating & Publishing Content

From crafting captivating content spells to publishing them across digital realms, we're here to sprinkle a dash of enchantment onto your brand's narrative. Let's step into a journey where every word is a wand and every click, pure magic.

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black iphone 5 on gray textile

Monitoring Engagement

Our engagement-tracking sorcery ensures your brand becomes the life of the online fiesta. Get ready to watch your audience's reactions unfold like a whimsical storybook—likes, comments, and shares are our favorite plot twists.

person using Android smartphone
person using Android smartphone

Growing Customers

We're the matchmakers, connecting your brand with potential customers and turning casual glances into lasting business relationships. Prepare for a journey where each interaction is a stepping stone toward a thriving customer family.

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pen om paper

Reporting & Analysing Results

Our reporting and analysis services aren't just about numbers; they're about decoding the digital mysteries and transforming them into actionable strategies. We're the Sherlock Holmes of the data world, piecing together the clues that lead to your brand's success.

person using MacBook pro
person using MacBook pro
  • Getting to know brand’s audience is essential to market effectively. After all, you want your social media posts to help you be engaging with your audience.

  • Survey your existing customers. To find out what your customers like about your brand or what problems your products solve, ask them directly, whether by email, a poll,

  • We review your current followers. Check the audience statistics in your brand’s social media profiles to learn about followers’ age, gender, location, and interests. Look at your different social media accounts and study how your audience interacts with your brand.

  • Create buyer personas. Compile your audience research into one or more buyer personas that outline your brand’s ideal customer. Then use these buyer personas to guide the messaging and creatives in your social media content.

Your Social Media Palnning


Social Media Audit

  • We prepare a comprehensive social media report so you can analyse performance.

  • Compare your recent social media results to your brand’s past performance, industry benchmarks, or your competitors.


We Set Goals

  • Every social media plan should start with at least one goal to work toward. And that goal needs to include objectives that aren’t vague nor unreachable nor open-ended.

  • Being specific helps, your main goal might be something like “make sure more customers know about us.” Convert that general statement to a more precise goal, such as“generate [a certain number] of brand mentions.”

  • We put your energy and resources into the goals that matter most to your brand’s success.


We Establish & Monitor KPIs

  • On the reporting dashboard, we can easily monitor how many new followers your page or profile has gained each month. Since you can track daily follower gains and losses, we can attribute audience changes to social media posts, influencer collaborations, and other activities.

  • As you monitor audience growth, you can better understand what’s contributing to follower gains and losses. With these insights, you can make sure you’re on track to meet your KPIs—or make adjustments to your strategy as necessary.


Perform Audience Research


Choose Social Media Platforms

  • Before you start creating profiles on every possible platform, find out which channels offer the most value for your brand.

  • We review general demographics data to see which platform tends to attract your ideal customer. The Pew Research Center tends to be a great source of data for social media usage around the world.

  • If your ideal buyer is 18 to 24 years old, you may want to focus on TikTok or Instagram. For B2B customers and corporate decision makers, LinkedIn may be a better choice.

  • We do competitor research. Find out which platforms your closest competitors have adopted and what channels offer the best results.


Develop an Editorial Calendar

  • We can easily take social media content from an idea to a draft to a published post. With this social media dashboard, you can also assign posts to team members for review and approval.

Get Started with Your Social Media

Let's create posts that pop like confetti and hashtags that trend like catchy tunes. Say goodbye to social media confusion and hello to a fun-filled journey where every like, share, and comment is a milestone toward online stardom. Are you ready to start the social media party?